Slash Pile Burning Status, January 31

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NTFD pile burning operations went well January 29-31. We completed all 19.5 acres (around Carnelian Woods upper units), reaching our goal for the week and completing most of the work for this project. There are 11.3 acres of piles remaining on the 78-acre total project. Depending on the incoming storms we will attempt to burn the remaining acres in the coming weeks, but if piles are too wet or snow covered to burn efficiently, we’ll hold off until next fall/winter.

The current progress map is available along with a drone image above from January 30 showing smoke behavior. The Martis Peak Wildfire Alert Camera captured a movie of smoke behavior over the course of the day for January 29 and January 30, but footage was not available for January 31.

Thank you very much to all involved!

April Shackelford, MS
NTFD Forest Fuels Manager



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