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July Forestry Report

July 23, 2024 Nevada Conservation District Staff is interested in exploring options for treating/restoring the...
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2022/23 Winter Damage Insurance Repairs Status, July 19

Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 7/19....
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Board Meeting 5:00 PM June 23, 2024

Board Meeting, June 23 @ 5:00 PM This meeting will be virtual only. Online:
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Sahara Drive Fire Today!

Today at about 3:15pm there was a fire response plus deputies to a fire at...
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Carnelian Woods RAKE-OFF Reminder July 12, 2024

Greetings Rakers, It’s that time again when we gather to remove flammable debris and chat...
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2022/23 Winter Damage Insurance Repairs Status, June 28

Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 6/28....
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2022/23 Winter Damage Insurance Repairs Status, June 21

Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 6/21....
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Executive Session Board Meeting 10:00 AM June 14, 2024

Executive Session Board Meeting June 14 @ 10:00 AM This meeting will be virtual only....
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2022/23 Winter Damage Insurance Repairs Status, June 6

Below is an update from RMC on the progress at Carnelian Woods as of 6/7....
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