
The committees are where the action happens for homeowner involvement. Most can be joined by contacting the chair. Click on a tile for more information.

Architectural Review

Chair: Jack Venable
Dave Sullivan


Chair: Carlos Sanchez
Tom Babb
Jan Babb
Veronica Sanchez
Joost de Schutter
Shirley Willd-Wagner
Marion Profitt
Don Adams
George Shaw
Juli Weaver




Chair: Larry Nowels
Celia Barry
Mike Proffitt
Moriah Shilton
George Shaw


Chair: George Shaw
Website: George Shaw
Karen Cleland
Don Adams
Heidi Paoli
Kris Erway


President: Don Adams
Vice President: Celia Barry
Treasurer: George Shaw 
Secretary: Larry Nowels


Chair: George Shaw
Perry Fox
Dave Sullivan
Carlos Sanchez
Don Adams
Celia Barry
Mike Proffitt


Chair: Celia Barry
Fran Swanson
Ruth Dworsky
Larry Nowels
Diane Hopkinson
George Shaw


Chair: open
Karen Cleland


Looking for a new chair. What a job, to plan social events!


Chair: George Shaw

Alpenhof Management Services

Government Agencies / Local Outreach

Chair: Open
Fran Swanson
Kathy Witt
Heidi Paoli
Diane Hopkinson
Ruth Dworsky

Looking for a new chair. Is this a position for you?

Strategic Planning

Chair: Don Adams
Perry Fox 
Dave Sullivan
George Shaw
Will Stephens
Carlos Sanchez
Jack Venable
Paul Gendron

Undeveloped Lots

Chair: Celia Barry
Fran Swanson

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